Support The Railway Arms as an Asset on the Local Heritage List
Chairman’s Update – June 2018
Dear All
As you will know the Railway Arms, and its associated outbuildings, have been nominated for inclusion in the Local Heritage List (LHL). The LHL is currently in draft form, and the Council is undertaking a six-week public consultation on its contents. The consultation will close on Wednesday 4th July 2018.
Locally listed status could be a ‘material consideration’ in any planning application affecting the Railway Arms. This means that Council officers would be required to consider the impact of any development proposals on their local heritage value, as part of their decision-making, in the interest of conserving local heritage. There are those who might prefer that the Railway Arms was not locally listed.
There is a very strong case for the Railway Arms to be listed in the LHL. Of all the buildings in Saffron Walden, only one other (the Friends School) meets more of the 8 criteria for local listing.
How You Can Help? It would be valuable if members of STRAP and SWCP Ltd were to send feedback to the Council, in support of the pub’s inclusion on the LHL. As we found when the Railway Arms was listed as an Asset of Community Value, the voice of the people matters. Individual input does not have to be lengthy; it is better that the Council has 30, one page letters of support than one 30 page letter against.
Information on how to provide feedback can be found here:
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‘From the towns all Inns have been driven: from the villages most…. Change your hearts or you will lose your Inns and you will deserve to have lost them. But when you have lost your Inns drown your empty selves, for you will have lost the last of England.’
HILAIRE BELLOC, This and That and The Other, 1912
(ALAN COLLARD, STRAP Public Meeting, Saffron Walden Town Hall, 19th April 2017)