Railway Arms Pub – £100,000 figure exceeded, 6 week moratorium triggered and ACV status challenged
Pledges Rolling in As Campaign Gathers Pace
As you will no doubt have heard, the owners of The Railway Arms formally notified Uttlesford District Council on 8th May that the pub is for sale. In doing so, they triggered the initial 6 week moratorium associated with its registration as an Asset of Community Value (ACV). At the same time the owners chose to appeal the decision to grant the pub ACV status in the first place.
This means that, regardless of the appeal, which will be determined by 3rd July, we now have to decide, by 19th June, whether we can realistically be in a position to purchase the Railway before 8th November this year.
The appeal is clearly of interest to many in Saffron Walden, not least the 250 people receiving this newsletter. We will keep a close eye on the process and be ready to offer our support for the ACV as required. In the meantime we need to refocus on our call for pledges and develop our fundraising strategy further, so that we are ready to express a formal interest in bidding on 19th June.
The great news is that our pledge total now exceeds £100,000!
A huge thank you to everyone who has pledged, there are around 120 of you. Hopefully you will have received a formal thank you but if not, please bear with us, it’s on its way now that the initial pledge period is over.
Clearly, it is extremely important that we raise more over the coming weeks and having achieved £100,000 in pledges, we need to raise the next £100,000. The more money we raise, the more attractive we will look to grant providers, financiers and community lenders, from which sources a large part of the asking price will come. As such we’re extending the pledge campaign and you’ll be able to pledge support up to the point that a community share offer is launched.
A huge thank you to everyone who has pledged, there are around 120 of you. Hopefully you will have received a formal thank you but if not, please bear with us, it’s on its way now that the initial pledge period is over.
Clearly, it is extremely important that we raise more over the coming weeks and having achieved £100,000 in pledges, we need to raise the next £100,000.
The more money we raise, the more attractive we will look to grant providers, financiers and community lenders, from which sources a large part of the asking price will come. As such we’re extending the pledge campaign and you’ll be able to pledge support up to the point that a community share offer is launched.
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If you’d like to stay informed about upcoming Save The Railway Arms Pub events or the progress we’re making attracting pledges then sign up to our newsletter, or take a look at our Facebook page and Twitter feed .
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Other STRAP News
Save The Railway Arms Pub campaign redoubles efforts.
Throughout this crucial period we’ll be distributing posters and leaflets around the town, knocking on doors and planning fundraising events – let us have your ideas. Keep an eye on the website, facebook, twitter and the local press for details and, please, please, let us know how you can help. Being involved in a community pub campaign as a member, fundraiser and supporter is extremely rewarding and worthwhile.