Buy Shares in SWCP Ltd

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    If you wish to purchase shares in the Saffron Walden Community Pub Limited (‘SWCP’) and become a member of the Society, please complete the form below and submit it electronically by clicking 'SUBMIT SHARE APPLICATION'

    - Number of shares I/we wish to purchase (minimum 1, maximum 600)

    [If you are an existing shareholder, the maximum number of shares you can hold from all share issues is 600]

    - Value of shares I/we wish to purchase (shares cost £50 each):

    Tick the box if you are already a shareholding member:

    Payment should be made by bank transfer* to SWCP’s bank account (Metro Bank), as follows:
    Account Name: Saffron Walden Community Pub Ltd
    Sort Code: 23-05-80 [Metro Bank]
    Account Number: 25287584
    Reference: “Share issue/[name]”

    Please tick the box to confirm payment has been made directly to our account:

    By requesting to purchase shares, I agree to my name, address, phone number(s), email address (where applicable) and the number of shares I wish to purchase being held on a computer database. I understand this information will be used for the purpose of maintaining a register of members as required by the rules of SWCP and for posting of notices regarding the activities of SWCP. This information will NOT be passed to third parties.

    Please tick to confirm you are aged 18 years or older:

    If you need further information, please contact the Committee at

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